Amidst the distraction of COVID-19 the kanab City Council has voted via Zoom to sell water to a company planning to blast it into space. The company won’t have to pay for it unless it successfully drains the entire aquifer or poisons one of the wells, conditions the city required for the contract.

A local citizen “Zoom Bombed” the meeting with intentions to disrupt it, only to then calmly agree that it was a good thing for Kanab since it likely meant four to five moderately paying manual labor jobs with no benefits or retirement because “frankly, it’s better than what’s available now,” he said.

The company hopes to help in President Trump’s quest to mine the moon since everyone knows mining takes a lot of water. “We picked Kanab because they have a history of voting against their own interests, so we figured they would do it again, and we were right!”


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