In a stark turn of events, prominent Kanab City Council members officially declared all recent transplants as “locals” and said they would now prefer they stay in the Kanab area, once it was pointed out to them that their food was exclusively being delivered by people recently relocating to Kanab.

“I don’t really like them, or want them to stay in Kanab long term, but for now, and as long as they stay six feet away while delivering my gourmet multi-course meals, they’re alright with me….for now.”

This is a reversal from last election cycle when they were quoted in the local SON News as saying “Unless you were born in Kanab, and your dad was born in Kanab, and his dad was also born in Kanab, I don’t even consider you human.” is a humor site, in case you didn't figure that out already. So when we say REAL what we mean is FAKE. We hope you got a laugh out of it! Thanks for checking it out!
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